Sweet Adaline’s Journey – A Vaccine Story

A mom is sharing her story with Family Health Freedom Network. She writes:

“I curse vaccines after watching my baby be put to sleep today. All I could do is cry. Next time someone says “vaccines are safe” “injuries are rare” “anti-vaxers are crazy”, please share her story. Because the pain is very real.

I debated on sharing this photo, but then thought I should because I want everyone to know what we are going through thanks to the vaccines I once trusted. I couldn’t stop crying as I watched my baby cry herself to sleep as I rub her head and pray. I am sure she will come out okay, but sitting in recovery waiting on her for the next hour is going to be very hard. This is her getting the silly gas, right before they intubated her. Then I had to step out. I wish it were me and not her. She is just a baby and doesn’t understand.”

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Sweet Adaline’s Journey

“Adaline was born a happy healthy baby on May 7 2013. At two months, we went and got her routine shots as everyone does and didn’t question a thing. That night and thereafter Adaline only got worse. It started with the common adverse reaction of swelling, redness, being irritable, sleepy, dazed, suffering nausea and vomiting. Five days later, she was lethargic and vomiting blood clots. We took her to the emergency room where they diagnosed her with severe reflux and dehydration. Adaline was admitted for a few days and then went home. It was from here on out that our little angel was never the same.

We were told that the reaction to the vaccine was “normal” and that it was safe to get the next round at 4 months. So at 4 months old, Adaline got the second round of vaccines. This time she fell very ill a lot quicker. She had seizures, severe vomiting, blood clots, her heart started backing up the blood and her whole body swelled. She lost a pound in that week. She was barely responsive, and was taken to Texas Children’s Hospital. She was admitted for a couple of weeks while they ran so many tests. We found out that her once perfectly normal heart now had tricuspid regurgitation, that the valve was stressed and may need to be replaced. We also found out she had internal swelling throughout her body. She could not eat, and had to have a feeding tube placed. She was put on an apnea & heart monitor to make sure her heart and lungs were functioning correctly. She was put on and off many medications to try to get everything under control. She had her first surgeries at 4 months old. It broke my heart to see my baby suffer. They told me she had all these horrible things. Thankfully she recovered from most, and was able to come home on a feeding tube and apnea monitor and a few medications for her heart and vomiting and mobility. She has had a few hospital stays since, and has more to come.

I never knew the dangers of vaccinating. The “risks” on the labels of medicines that you see weren’t about my baby; they weren’t supposed to hurt her, they were supposed to protect her. Our goal is to advocate for other vaccine injured children, tube children, heart children, and children with genetic disorders like Adaline. I hope new parents take the time to research the vaccines and medications they put into their innocent children’s bodies, and if you have any questions at all, ask me. Please.”



Sweet Adaline’s Journey Facebook page

My child’s vaccine reaction

Vaccine free children photo gallery

Vaccination Primer

To Vaccinate or not?

– Highly recommended book:
How to raise a healthy child …in spite of your doctor‘ by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD


Learn How and Why you Absolutely Must Protect Your Child from Vaccines